Tuesday, July 31, 2012

End of July 2012 Great Organic Garden Update

Well, here we in the middle of our summer growing season 2012.
The harvest this year has been better than any growing season in my garden ever!  The key has been my covered garden!  This year I completely covered my vegetable garden with chicken wire and kept our wild animal friends from entering my garden and eating my food!  My first post on this blog showed a picture of my crude attempt at constructing a chicken wire cover, and crude it might be, but it worked!   Next year I will be making the garden higher to accommodate the larger growing plants.  The above picture shows the great eggplants and cucumbers harvested today.    The bush beans have been phenomenal this year, but I think we are seeing the few last batches from them.  The yellow cherry tomatoes, red tomatoes, and green peppers have been grown in container pots and have done beautifully. Thanks for checking in!

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