Monday, August 12, 2013

Garden Harvest and Lots to See

Harvested Today!

Chocolate Mint--great in making ice tea!  I mix the chocolate mint with my regular mint plants leaves and they taste great together.  Love the mint!

Red Marconi Peppers...lots of peppers on this plant but still waiting for the Red....

Polish Linguisa...meaty little tomato, but has had a lot of blossom end rot this year.  I think it is due to all the rain.

My new favorite tomato....Yellow Brandywine.  Definitely saving the seeds from this one for next years planting.  This tomato has a lot of meat and that means fewer seeds...but there is enough for me to enjoy this great tomato next season!

Chocolate Peppers....not yet ready...supposed to have a chocolate color when ready.  Waiting for the chocolate!

Sweet Banana it...but this plant has only produced 3  peppers so far this season...that just doesn't seem worth all the seasons work.  I will try again next year with seeds saved from this years and will try again.
My one sunflower planted this year in a dollar store bucket.  Cute, huh?!

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