Monday, July 1, 2013

Container Garden Update July 1, 2013

tomatillo tomatoes

Matina Tomatoes

More Matina Tomatoes

Yellow Brandywine Tomato

Container Garden in a "circle the wagons" attempt to keep out critters.  Tried to keep all the chicken wire containers on the outside of the container garden to make a barrier of sorts to keep rabbits and skunks out.  It will not keep the squirrels out, but you can only do so much.  Hope it works.

Orange bell peppers that have made a come back after record cold one week and record heat the next.

Squash I will attempt to grow up a trellis

Carrots in a dollar store bucket...worked last year.

Different types of peppers growing in different types of  containers.

A sunflower in a  bucket.

Bush beans growing in a bucket of compost, peat moss and fertilized with fish emulsion and granular organic fertilizer.

Green Bell Peppers in a tote

Chocolate Mint, Mint, and Basil looking a little tired of all the rain we have been getting.

My Youtube video on early potato blight problem........

"Potatoes from a store" experiment.  These are not seed potatoes, but wanted to try an experiment at growing some potatoes that had eyes on them from the cupboard.  Looks like they might have early blight with small brown spots on some of the leaves.  The leaves are not yellow or some information from the internet said that if this is early blight the potatoes should be able to fight it and be fine.  We will see.

First year strawberries doing fine so far.  Have had a few of them and they taste great if not sweet enough as store bought.  I am told that you have to wait until the second year after planting to get the better crop.

Container Garden Update July 1, 2013...

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